Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013

AutoDock & MGLTools: Workshop on Computer Aided Drug Design

Zwei Entwickler der AutoDock suite und der MGLTools, Stefano Forli und  Michel Sanner, kommen im September zu uns nach Europa und präsentieren computer aided drug discovery (CADD) im Rahmen eines einwöchigen Workshops.  Viel mehr "tangible computational biology" geht nicht.

Dear all,

We cordially invite you to the workshop

"AutoDock and MGLTools: computer-aided drug discovery "
September 16 - 20, 2013 at the University of Lübeck, Germany.

We are happy to announce that Stefano Forli and Michel Sanner, both lead developers at the Molecular Graphics Lab at The Scripps Institute, La Jolla, California, offer a week of their time to present overviews and interna of AutoDock and the MGLtools for in silico drug screening and protein visualisation. They will introduce participants into their workflows comprising the whole process
  • from ligand preparation
  • via job control for high throughput docking
  • to result evaluation.
The workshop offers lectures and exercises to support the participants in
gaining experience and improving their skills in the above described
tasks. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data for a
fruitful exchange among themselves and the developers.

For more details please visit
Pleased forward this workshop announcement to potentially interested colleagues. Hoping to welcome many of you in September in Lübeck,

with kind regards,

Steffen Möller, Department of Dermatology, University of Lübeck
Katja Dau, Graduate Scool for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Lübeck

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